
SpecTechSnab 有限公司提供由领先的俄罗斯和外国制造商生产的实验室和测量设备。在我们的合作伙伴是机械工程师,冶金,电力工程师,矿业,石油技术人员,施工人员和科学家。我们的专家的经验和专业使我们能够解决复杂的客户的问题:选择和交付的必备设备,启动,维护和技术支持。 我公司提供了这样的补充服务,维修,保养,检查,对“辛普森设备的保修服务和工作人员与”辛普森科技“有限公司设备的工作培训。


产品目录 Product Catalogue (2,94Mb pdf)

Supplied Equipment:
1. 铸造设备和芯砂的分析:
Mixers, seals, core-making machines, hardness-testing machines, sand strength machine, moisture analyzers, permeability testing apparatus, particle size analyzers.
2. General Laboratory Equipment:
Viscometers, water distillation and deionization units, pump sand compressors, pumping systems, mixing units, scrubbing-and-drying equipment, filtration equipment, centrifuges, thermometers and heat sensors, balances.
3. Heating Equipment:
Drying ovens, high-temperature furnaces, thermostatically controlled air boxes and incubators, sterilizers, heating mantles, hot plates and heat blocks, liquid thermostats.
4. Spectroscopic and Optical Instrumentation:
Atomic absorption spectrometers, x-ray fluorescent spectrometers, infrared spectrometers, optical-emission spectrometers, microscopes
5. 热电测量设备:
Temperature transducers, thermal probes, rapid alloys determination equipment.
6. Sample Preparation Equipment:
Test mills (centrifugal, planetary, vibrational, disk and globe), crushers, sieving machines, sieves, sample dividers, homogenizers.
7. Electrochemical Analyzers:
Ion meters and pH-meters, dissolved-oxygen meters, conductometers и salt meters, voltage and current strength analyzers, carbon and sulphur analyzers, electrodes, materials.
8. Gas Control Equipment:
Gas-analysers for flame products, for the working area, for the living area; aspirators, aerosole filters, gas moisture and temperature testers.
9. Lab Furniture
10. Labware and glassware
11. Consumables and chemicals
地址: 195248, St. Petersburg, Russia,
Degtyaryova 4
Tel: +7 (812) 410-08-15